Grantown Grammar School 1000th John Muir award.

Grantown grammar
Grantown Grammar 1000th John Muir Award

Grantown Grammar School achieved a milestone last week when a pupil was presented with the 1000th John Muir Award achieved at the school.

Highland Council Convener Cllr Bill Lobban welcomed the achievement by Grantown Grammar he said: “Grantown Grammar School offers the most comprehensive programme of John Muir Awards and Outdoor Education in the Highlands. It was very fitting that the school's 1000th John Muir Award was presented at the S1/2 Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 24 May.  This represents a huge commitment and Grantown Grammar are very much a Centre of Excellence for Outdoor Learning." 

Head Teacher Claire McGonigal added:For the past 8 years all of our S1 and S2 pupils have achieved both the Discovery and Explorer awards.  We work closely with several partner agencies to deliver our Outdoor Education programme and key among these is the Cairngorms National Park Authority.  They were keen to be a part of the 1000th Award celebration so Alan Smith and Pete Crane of the CNPA came to the ceremony along with local writer and photographer David Lintern to present the awards.” 

The 1000th award was presented by David Lintern to Sol Misty Robson at a special ceremony on Wednesday 24 May at the school.

The John Muir Award is an environmental award scheme, open to all, that encourages people to connect with, enjoy, and care for wild places. Over 1000 Grantown Grammar School pupils have completed the John Muir Award over the last 10 years making great use of the natural outdoor classroom on their doorstep.

David Lintern said: “It is a fantastic achievement to have delivered 1000 John Muir Awards at a secondary school and I am delighted to be able to be here to present this special award to Sol Misty Robson The John Muir Award is a proven model in the Cairngorms National Park that raises awareness and understanding of the area’s special qualities, encourages nature conservation and helps get people enjoying the outdoors

“It is well known that spending time in wild and rural spaces can significantly improve people’s sense of wellbeing. Through this award scheme we are able to connect young people with the natural heritage of the Cairngorms National Park which is a fantastic thing as this generation will become our future conservationists and environmentalists, the Nation al Park will be in their hands.”

The John Muir Award Scheme encourages people to connect with, enjoy, and care for wild places. It’s an environmental award scheme for people of all backgrounds – groups, families, individuals. It’s non-competitive, inclusive and accessible.

To get involved see or contact Alan Smith  or 01479 870518


29 May 2017