Morrison Construction partner Highland Promise schools cultural programme

The Highland Council today (Monday) announced Morrison Construction as an Event Partner to the Highland Promise – An Gealladh Mòr – the year long programme of activity being run in schools throughout the Highlands as part of Highland 2007.

The Highland Promise is a unique programme that provides each of the 29 Community School Groups (secondary plus feeder primaries) in the Highlands with a budget of approximately £20,000 and a menu of more than 100 activity options.  Following input from pupils, each school group selects from the menu and allocates its budget against their chosen activities.  

The exciting range of activities on offer have been drawn from Highland 2007’s six cultural strands – arts, heritage, sport, science, environment and language – and is provided by a mix of both national agencies and local providers.  Activities young people can be involved in include finding a star to help establish the Highland Constellation; creating recyclable fashion and showing it off; hands-on 15m bridge-building and creating a fantasy environmentally friendly design for their home.

Councillor Alison Magee, convener of The Highland Council and chair of Highland 2007, said: “We are delighted to welcome Morrison Construction as a partner to The Highland Promise.  Their support for will help to ensure every young person within the Highland Council area will have access to a range of cultural activities they may not otherwise have had the chance to experience.  This is a hugely important programme and we are very proud to be able to offer our young people such unique opportunities.”

Donald McLachlan, operations director of Morrison Construction, said:  “We at Morrison are more usually associated with the construction of new education facilities or programmes of improvement works, such as those carried out here at Merkinch Primary School, which enhance the fabric of our Highland community.  So we are delighted to announce today our support for this important pupil-centred school’s initiative.  Educational, creative and leisure activities improve young people’s skills, confidence and self-esteem.  All young people across the Highlands deserve the best possible opportunities to enjoy what their region has to offer and to support them in achieving their full potential.”

Sheena Morrison, Head Teacher at Merkinch Primary School, said: “Morrison Construction have recently completed the fabulous new nursery facility at the school and we are delighted to now see them investing in the Highland Promise.  This initiative offers our pupils an exciting range of unique opportunities.  We have already enjoyed creating a ceramic wall with hand painted tiles and we are looking forward to future projects working with the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the Institute of Civil Engineers.”  

The Highland Promise is currently funded by the Scottish Executive, The Highland Council, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Leader+ and LifeScan Scotland.  The additional support from Morrison Construction now takes the total programme budget beyond £500,000 and will directly enhance the range and quality of opportunities available to youngsters across the region.



2 Apr 2007