Highland Council welcomes the 125th Royal National Mòd to Lochaber
![leaflet cover](http://www.highland.gov.uk/images/MOD_Leaflet_2017_1.jpg)
At the official opening of the Lochaber Royal National Mòd (Friday 13 October) Councillor Alister Mackinnon, Chair of The Highland Council’s Corporate Resources Committee and Chair of the Gaelic Strategy and Implementation Group welcomed the premier Gaelic and Cultural festival to Lochaber and the Highland area.
In his welcoming speech he highlighted the important role the Mòd plays in promoting the use of Gaelic and the positive image for the language that is created with so many people competing, the Gaelic community coming together, and the opportunity speakers of all abilities have to use Gaelic informally during the event
He said: “The Mòd is an great example of how Gaelic can clearly generate and add to the social, economic and cultural value of the area, and the Council is delighted that it is returning to Lochaber where the community is renowned for its Gaelic and cultural heritage, especially in relation to traditional music.”
He also highlighted the support the Council provides to An Comunn Gàidhealach, and took the opportunity to congratulate the Mòd Loch Abar Local Organising Committee under the Chairmanship of Ronald Cameron for their achievements especially in relation to fund raising and community engagement.
The number of young people entering competitions is increasing especially in the Lochaber area, and leading up to the 2017 Royal National Mòd the Council has worked closely with the Lochaber Mòd Local Organising Committee and Fèisean nan Gàidheal to develop a Gaelic song and traditional music tuition programme called Mòd Academy.
Fourteen schools in Lochaber have taken part in this programme with four experienced tutors delivered 160 sessions to over 780 pupils who all received a taste of Gaelic song and traditional music tuition.
Cllr Mackinnon praised this work saying, “The young people taking part really engaged with the tutors and their enthusiasm made the programme a real success. It’s an example of good practice which could be used in future Mòds to support young people to participate in competitions.”
“The Highland Council has submitted to Bòrd na Gàidhlig a draft of its third Gaelic Language Plan, and it places emphasis on both early years and primary school education, and currently plans are being developed for the expansion of Gaelic in secondary education.”
On behalf of the whole Council Councillor Mackinnon drew his speech to a close by wishing the competitors all the best. He thanked the Loch Abar Mòd Local Committee and An Comunn Gàidhealach for all their hard work, and encouraged all visitors to attend the many interesting activities which form part of the Fringe Programme http://www.ancomunn.co.uk/images/uploads/Mod_Fringe_Programme_2017.pdf
Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ cur fàilte air an 125mh Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail a Loch Abar
Aig fosgladh oifigeil Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail Loch Abar chuir An Comhairliche Alasdair MacFhionghuin, Cathraiche Comataidh nan Goireasan Corporra agus Cathraiche Buidheann Ro-innleachd agus Buileachaidh na Gàidhlig aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, fàilte air a’ phrìomh fhèis Ghàidhlig is chultair a Loch Abar ann an sgìre na Gàidhealtachd.
Chomharraich e gun robh am Mòd a’ brosnachadh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus a’ togail ìomhaigh a’ chànain ann an sgìre, le iomadh neach a’ farpais, coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig a’ tighinn còmhla agus cothrom ann a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh gu neo-fhoirmeil. Tha am Mòd na dheagh eisimpleir air mar a chuireas a’ Ghàidhlig ri luach sòisealta, eaconamach is cultarach sgìre, agus am-bliadhna tha e a’ tilleadh a Loch Abar far a bheil a’ choimhearsnachd ainmeil airson dualchas Gàidhlig is cultarach – gu h-àraid ceòl traidiseanta.
Thuirt e cuideachd gu bheil Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ toirt taic dhan Chomunn Ghàidhealach, agus ghabh e an cothrom meal-a-naidheachd a chur air Comataidh Eagrachaidh Ionadail Mòd Loch Abar fon Chathraiche Raghnall Camshron airson na rinn iad, gu h-àraid a thaobh a bhith a’ togail airgead agus ceangal leis a’ choimhearsnachd.
Tha an àireamh dhaoine òga a’ dol an lùib fharpaisean air àrdachadh, gu h-àraid ann an sgìre Loch Abar agus dh’obraich Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd le Comataidh Eagrachaidh Ionadail Mòd Loch Abar agus Fèisean nan Gàidheal gus Acadamaidh a’ Mhòid – prògram oideachaidh ann an òrain is ceòl traidiseanta Gàidhlig – a leasachadh. Ghabh 14 sgoiltean ann an Loch Abar com-pàirt, lìbhrig ceithir sàr-oidean 160 seisean-teagaisg do chòrr is 780 sgoilear a bha uile a’ faighinn blasad de dh’òrain is de cheòl thraidiseanta agus oideachadh annta. Chaidh an oideachadh a lìbhrigeadh cuideachd ann an sgoiltean aig nach robh ceangal làidir ris a’ Ghàidhlig roimhe. ’S e cleachdadh math a tha seo a bheir taic do dhaoine òga gus pàirt a ghabhail ann am Mòdan san àm ri teachd.
Lean e air adhart, “Tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air dreachd den treas Phlana Gàidhlig aice a chur a-steach gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Tha am Plana a’ cur cuideam air foghlam nan tràth-bhliadhnaichean agus foghlam bun-sgoile agus thathar a’ leasachadh phlanaichean gus a’ Ghàidhlig a leudachadh ann am foghlam àrd-sgoile.”
Ghuidh an Comhairliche MacFhionghuin gach soirbheachas do na farpaisich agus thug e taing do Chomataidh Eagrachaidh Ionadail Mòd Loch Abar agus dhan Chomunn Ghàidhealach airson an cuid obrach ann a bhith a’ cur a’ Mhòid air dòigh. Mu dheireadh thuirt e gun robh e an dòchas gun còrdadh am Mòd ris an luchd-tadhail uile agus bhrosnaich e iad gus tadhal air na tachartasan inntinneach a bha a’ gabhail àite mar phàirt de Phrògram Iomall a’ Mhòid