Council’s Carbon Management Plan- savings achieved

The Highland Council achieved a 6% reduction in its year-on-year carbon emissions in 2016/17, equivalent to a saving of over 4,000 tonnes of CO2.  In addition, thanks to a variety of energy efficiency measures implemented throughout the organisation, the Council saved almost £180k compared to the previous year, despite increasing energy costs. 

The Council manages its carbon emissions through its Carbon Management Plan, which was last updated in 2013.  However, as a result of increased ambition by the Scottish Government and the Council’s own commitment under its Local Voices, Highland Choices programme to help mitigate against and adapt to climate change, Members agreed at this week’s Environment, Development & Infrastructure Committee to review and update its carbon management plan to ensure the Council has a robust, up-to-date strategy in place to meet its emission reduction obligations. 

Chair of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Allan Henderson, said: “We are pleased that the Council has made such good progress in reducing its climate change impact, which is more important now than ever.  However, there is always more that we can do, and a refreshed focus under a new carbon management plan will allow us to go even further in reducing our emissions, whilst also identifying opportunities for energy efficiency and other savings.” 

He added: “Council officers are currently involved in a number of projects which will help reduce our emissions even further in 2017/18.  These include heating and lighting system upgrades, a review of our business travel operations and the implementation of a green team initiative made up of staff throughout the organisation who will focus on promoting resource efficient behaviours in the workplace.”


8 Nov 2017