Skye Ward Forum

The second Highland Council Ward Forum meeting for Skye will take place at Tigh-na-Sgire, Portree, at 2 pm on Monday (6 August).  

Representatives of the Trunk Road Authority, Transport Scotland and their agents Scotland Transerv will be in attendance to discuss the trunk road programme on Skye as well as other issues.   Officials from The Highland Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services will be in attendance to address local roads and transport matters.

The Highland Council’s new Licensing Board policy will also be up for consultation.

The first Ward Forum held in Portree in mid June was well attended by representatives of Community Councils and other groups.  Community Groups have been invited again and members of the public are encouraged to attend and ask questions of the forum during a 20-minute session at the end of the meeting. .

The aim of the Forum is to provide effective scrutiny of the way the Council provides services in Skye and Raasay.   The four elected members for Eilean a Cheo will be in attendance.

1 Aug 2007