Am Baile Puts Its Muscle Behind Inverness Highland Games

The Highland Council’s award winning Am Baile team are asking the public to put their weight behind a photographic exhibition at the Inverness Highland Games and to bring any Highland Games memorabilia from home for possible inclusion into the Am Baile website.

Am Baile Administrator Maggie Johnstone said: "Just as the athletes will be competing and showing their strength, Am Baile will be showcasing the strength of Highland culture and we would be delighted to hear from anyone who has hidden gems of our social history about Highland Games tucked away."

The Am Baile website,, is a unique archive of the Scottish Highlands past and present and attracts 30,000 visitors from around the globe every month. The website is an ideal gateway to showcase and promote the riches of Highland history and culture throughout the world.

Highland Councillor Angus Dick, Chairperson of the Highland games Committee said: "An exhibition of photographs of Highland Games will be on display in the Traditional Music tent. We hope that the photographs will spark memories and encourage local people to rifle in their attics and rake through their cupboards for photographs of past Games and bring along their photographs to share with Am Baile. Our intention is to create a visual record of the Games through the years and capture the memories for everyone to enjoy. This is also an opportunity for the public to see some of the work of the award winning project."

Last month Am Baile received the Scottish Executive Delivering Excellence Award at the COSLA Awards 2005 from Public Service Reform Minister Tom McCabe.

The Am Baile team will be at the City of Inverness Highland Games on Saturday 23rd July and their exhibition will be displayed in the traditional music tent in the Bught Park Arena from 11am.

For further information about Am Baile call 01463 251274.

3 May 2006