First Ward Forum for East Sutherland and Edderton

The first Ward Forum for The Highland Council electoral ward of East Sutherland and Edderton will take place in the lounge at Helmsdale Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday 20 August 2007. Tea / coffee will be available from 7pm.

The meeting will be held in public and there will be a 20 minute session at the close of the meeting for the public to ask questions.

The Ward Forum will provide an opportunity for community representatives and the public to raise local issues, scrutinise local council delivery and performance and help make choices about local service delivery, where appropriate. The Forum also aims to promote and encourage all aspects of community safety.

The meetings will be attended by the three councillors who serve East Sutherland and Edderton – Deirdre Mackay, Jim McGillivray and Ian Ross. Representatives from Helmsdale, Brora, Golspie, Rogart, Dornoch and Edderton Community Councils, Northern Constabulary and Voluntary Groups East Sutherland have also been invited.

The first meeting will include a presentation by Highland Council’s Corporate Manager for Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross, Ian Hargrave on the background and formation of the Ward Forum.

Providing administrative support to the forum will be Phil Tomalin, Ward Manager for East Sutherland and Edderton

There will be at least six meetings of the Ward Forum each year and dates and venues for future meetings will be considered at the inaugural meeting. It is planned to move the Forum around the East Sutherland and Edderton ward.

Phil Tomalin, Ward Manager for East Sutherland and Edderton said: ”The Council is committed to giving people a greater say over the services it provides and the Forum offers the opportunity to put this into action. The public question and answer session will be an important part of the Forum and, hopefully, a highlight of the evening. I’m looking forward to the first one and hope that we get a good turn-out of members of the public.”

Public questions can be sent to the Ward Manager in advance – please contact Phil Tomalin, Ward Manager – East Sutherland and Edderton, The Highland Council, The Meadows, Dornoch, IV25 3SL, e-mail:

People with specific needs who wish to attend the Ward Forums should contact Phil Tomalin in advance to advise him of any requirements.


6 Aug 2007