Have your say on Council's Gaelic Plan

A series of six meetings, seeking the views of the public on The Highland Council’s draft Gaelic Language Plan, commences at the Town Hall, Inverness, on Tuesday 14 August.

The Plan sets out the commitment of The Highland Council to Gaelic over the next four years.

Council Gaelic Committee Chairman Councillor Hamish Fraser said: “I’m pleased with the comments received to date on the draft Gaelic Plan. It is important that we do continue to receive constructive comments on the Plan and that people attend the public meetings scheduled in various places in the Highlands as the Plan will be the Council’s blueprint for Gaelic and cultural development for the next few years.

“Gaelic is at a critical stage of development and therefore it is important that members of the public and community groups engage in the consultation process. If anyone has comments they should submit them to The Highland Council by Friday 31 August.”

Copies of the draft plan will be available at key council offices, such as libraries and Service Points. A pro-forma for responses is available on the home page of the  Council’s web site http://www.www.highland.gov.uk/.

The Council is required by the Gaelic Language Act 2005 to produce a Gaelic Language Plan. The deadline for presenting the document to Bord na Gaidhlig is 1 October. 

Other meetings are being held at the Town Hall, Dingwall on Wednesday 15August; Tigh na Sgìre, Portree on Thursday 16 August;     Bonar Bridge: Village Hall on  Tuesday 21 August;   McPhail Centre, Ullapool on Wednesday 22 August; Lochaber House, Fort William on Thursday 23 August. All meetings start at 7.15 pm.

8 Aug 2007