Highland girl wins national bedtime story writing competition

Local schoolgirl Josie Tolliday aged 9 from Ardross Primary School in Ardross, Alness has beaten off fierce competition to scoop Silentnight’s ‘Book At Bedtime’ 2007 award.

The prestigious competition, organised by the UK’s number one bed brand Silentnight and children’s favourite publisher Puffin, asked children across the country to let their imagination run wild and to pen a bedtime story.

Over a thousand entries were received from across the UK and the grand final, held yesterday (Tuesday 7 August) in London during National Love Your Bed Week, saw nine finalists at Waterstone’s go head to head for the winning spot.

A judging panel made up of children’s author Jeremy Strong and representatives from Puffin and Silentnight Beds crowned Josie’s story ‘Starlight Wishes’ the winning entry.

Now that her story has beaten the other children’s tales Josie will get her story published, win a brand new Silentnight bed, in addition to securing herself and her family a night in the Silentnight Pyjama Suite at Alton Towers plus tickets to the theme park.

Steven Simpson from Silentnight comments: “The Book at Bedtime initiative was launched to encourage children to embrace reading and writing bedtime stories. Josie has been very creative and we were really impressed with her entry. We hope she continues in her quest to become the next JK Rowling, this is certainly a great start!”

Josie said: “I am so delighted with all the support from friends and family, and neighbours who encourage me to enter and win the competition. I really enjoyed going to London to the finals and the people who ran the competition were great and made it a special day. I can’t wait to write my next book.”


9 Aug 2007