New Caithness Regeneration Website Launched

Issued by Highlands and Islands Enterprise

A new website focusing on the regeneration efforts in Caithness and North Sutherland has been launched.

The site provides a one stop shop for local people to obtain up-to-date news and information on progress made by the Caithness Regeneration Partnership (CRP).

The CRP was established earlier this year to assist the development of the area's economy during the period of the Dounreay nuclear plant's run-down.

A huge amount of work has been going on already towards regeneration of the economy in Caithness and North Sutherland.  The website draws together some of the strands where action is underway, including the proposed Nuclear Skills Academy, development on the Wick marina, and training for young people through apprentice programmes in decommissioning and engineering.

The Partnership is made up of four key organisations - Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), The Highland Council, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and the Scottish Executive.

The Dounreay site has played a huge part in the economy of Caithness and North Sutherland for more than 50 years and there are a number of initiatives already being developed to assist employees and contractors look at their long term future.

Carroll Buxton, chief executive of HIE Caithness and Sutherland said: "We are looking at a number of opportunities to sustain employment in the area and to diversify the economy in the longer term.  Key development opportunities include the marine energy resource, attracting inward investment into the area and further developing the tourism and food and drink sectors. We have a strong partnership in place for delivering the final plan and we are confident that our area has a prosperous future."

John Farquhar of the NDA, said: "There has been a tremendous amount of work already undertaken and it is important to keep the local community informed of progress.  Having one focal point which sets out the partnership's activities ensures this is done."

Ian Hargrave, The Highland Council's Corporate Manager for Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross, said:  "There is a new sense of urgency in the community to identify ways of regenerating the economy in the wake of the Dounreay rundown. This is why the CRP has been formed with a clear and realistic plan at its heart. Based on the strategy produced by the socio-economic working group chaired by John Thurso MP, the plan will include all of the activities needed to transform the Caithness and North Sutherland economy."

Full details of the plan will be revealed at a conference held Friday 14 September. More information on this conference can be found on the website, along with news on the regeneration progress in the area.


9 Aug 2007