Floral Judges to Visit Alness

Judges from the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom panel will be visiting Alness on Monday 13th August to assess the town’s entry in the Champion of Champion’s competition.

Alness will is up against Broughshane, Garstang, St Ives and Carbis Bay in the Champion of Champion’s finals.

Britain in Bloom is an all-inclusive campaign, organised by the Royal Horticultural Society, that encourages communities of all sizes to make positive and lasting improvements to their local areas for the benefit of local people. The campaign is the largest of it kind in Europe and incorporates floral features, permanent planting, wildflower meadows, planting for nature, fruit and vegetable gardening and much, more.

Other core elements include cleanliness and tackling issues of litter, graffiti, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Entries are encouraged to involve all sectors of the community such as town centre management, businesses, community groups, volunteers and schools to boost civic pride and help retain a local identity. Britain in Bloom also promotes good practice in the environment by encouraging recycling, the establishment of conservation areas and other sustainable projects.

The Royal Horticultural Society encourages all communities to get involved to help create safer, cleaner and greener local environments.

Highland Councillor Carolyn Wilson said:  “The judges will not only be looking at floral displays but also permanent planting, cleanliness, sustainability and ways in which the community gets involved.”

10 Aug 2007