Motorists urged to slow down as Highland schools reopen

As pupils go back to school next week across Highland on Tuesday 14th August, The Highland Council and Northern Constabulary are urging motorists to slow down near schools and to observe the speed limits.

Highland Council’s Road Safety Officer, Lisa MacKellaich said: “Regular motorists will have been used to less traffic on roads over the last six weeks within the vicinity of schools and as many parents go back to work, and teachers and pupils go back to school we urge drivers to give themselves extra time for their journeys and to be more cautious for pedestrians and cyclists around schools.

“All of the part time 20mph signs will have been switched off during the school summer holiday periods and drivers will have to remember to cut their speed right down near schools where they are again in operation. These speed restriction signs are not optional for drivers they are mandatory.”

Northern Constabulary’s Inspector John Smith said: “Motorists are reminded that if they speed in the vicinity of Highland schools then the penalties will be tough. The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (Highlands and Islands Area) are clear that if motorists are caught speeding near Highland schools where a 20mph limit is in place, then robust enforcement action will be taken by both the Police and the Procurator Fiscal Service.”

Motorists are also being warned that new part time 20mph speed restrictions are being introduced at five more schools in Highland for children’s safety in Sutherland, Inverness, on the Island of Skye, and in Badenoch and Strathspey.

The new speed limits comes into force at Durness, Central (Inverness) and Sleat Primaries on Tuesday 14th August, and in Badenoch and Strathspey - Inshes Primary on 20th August and Alvie Primary on the 23rd August.

The speed limits at the five primaries are part-time and will operate when pupils are expected to be arriving or departing from the schools.
Drivers travelling near the schools should be aware that the 20mph part time speed limit applies on school days at:

• Durness Primary from 08:40 to 09:00; 12:15 to 13:00; 14:35 to 14:50; and 15:05 to 15:20.
• Sleat Primary from 08:55 to 09:15; and 15:15 to 15:30.
• Central Primary from 08:00 to 08:15; 08:40 to 09:00; 09:15 to 09:30; 12:15 to 12:30; 12:45 to 13:00; 13:15 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 15:15.
• Inshes Primary from 08:40 to 09:00;  and 14:45 to 15:15.
• Alvie Primary from  08:40 to 09:00; 14:30 to 14:45 and 15:15 to 15:30.

A permanent 20mph speed limit will also be introduced on Gergask Avenue, Laggan on 13 August.

Of the 216 schools in Highland 112 will have 20 mph speed limits when the new school term starts.

10 Aug 2007