Council Responds To Arjo Union Concerns

The ongoing concerns over the future of the Arjo Wiggins paper mill at Corpach have been relayed to concerned Highland Councillors from Lochaber. Five representatives from the Arjo trades unions met with local Highland councillors to update them on the current situation and to inform them of the outcome of recent meetings with a range of politicians, agencies and Arjo management. The unions told of their continuing anxieties about the review which is currently underway and stressed that the workforce is committed to considering every option to retain jobs and secure their future.

Councillor Olwyn Macdonald, Convener of The Highland Council’s Lochaber Area Committee, said: "We are deeply concerned about the situation at Arjo Wiggins and will continue to work closely with partners to try to ensure the continuing operation of the paper mill. Lochaber welcomed the mill in the 1960s and it was billed as offering a bright new future for the area. We are so disappointed that the management has felt it necessary to instigate this review. The Arjo workforce has given many years of loyal service to the company and deserves to have every potential option fully explored. The Council is unanimous in its support for the retention of the Corpach mill and will do everything in its power to help this happen."

Another meeting between Highland Council and Union representatives has been scheduled for the end of July, and Council officials will continue to liaise with other agencies and the workforce on a regular basis.

3 May 2006