Highland Council Capital Programme
Speaking after the publication of the proposed Capital Programme 2018/19 to 2022/23, the Budget Leader of the Highland Council, Cllr Alister MacKinnon said:
“This programme delivers significant investment in a range of key projects across the Highlands. We are investing in schools, roads, bridges, harbours and flood prevention schemes that will help the Highland economy grow and which will benefit all our local communities.
We recognise the need to do more to invest in our infrastructure and we want to do more. Our Capital Programme needs to be affordable due to the very real constraints imposed on our revenue budget by the Scottish Government.
We intend to push hard for more capital funding for the Highlands and we will ensure that we deliver the very best value for what we spend. So we will:
• Launch a campaign next week to make a strong case to the Scottish Government for additional capital funding;
• Urgently investigate new build techniques that are proven elsewhere beginning with our schools; and
• Make strong and ambitious bids to Schools for the Future Fund for new secondary and primary schools.
We are determined to ensure that the Highlands has the infrastructure it needs and deserves and that we are not disadvantaged by our geography.”
The Highland Council's Capital Programme 2018/19 to 2022/23 will discussed at a meeting of the Council on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 the agenda is online at: https://www.highland.gov.uk/download/meetings/id/73257/item_3_capital_programme_201819_to_202223