Civic Trust Awards

Entry details for the 49th Civic Trust Awards are now available via the organisation’s website (  Entry criteria have been simplified this year, with The Civic Trust merging its urban and rural rounds into one annual competition.

The Civic Trust Awards are widely recognised as the largest and most comprehensive of their kind in Europe and aim to raise awareness of the importance of design in improving the environment.  As well as Awards, recognition by the Civic Trust can take the form of Commendations for projects that make a valuable contribution to the quality and appearance of the environment and Mentions for projects of cultural social or economic benefit to the local community

To be eligible, schemes must have been completed between 1st September 2005 and 1st September 2007, and the closing date for entries is 11th September 2007.  Entrants will require to demonstrate outstanding examples of architecture and environmental design and consideration will be given to the benefit which a project brings to its local area and community.

Entries are to be submitted online this year, although images will still be required on CD.  For details on how to apply, and to get login details, potential entrants are invited to contact the Civic Trust Awards on 0151 231 6907 or email Guidance Notes are also available on line. The Awards Panel would particularly like to encourage applications from wind farms or other energy sources and also from the road, rail and air infrastructure sectors.

The new Streets Award, sponsored by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), highlights the need for well designed streets. CABE wants to set high aspirations for the design of streets as an integral part of the public space network and sponsoring the Streets Award enables CABE to celebrate and learn from the very best in current street design from around the country.   Aggregate Industries have confirmed their support of the 2008 Awards, with their continued sponsorship of the Sustainability Award.

About the Civic Trust

The Civic Trust is an independent, national charity, founded in 1957.  It works with people to promote thriving towns and villages, developing partnerships between communities, government and business to deliver regeneration and local improvement.  It is the umbrella body for 850 civic societies across the country, representing over 250,000 individuals committed to improving and caring for places where people live and work.

15 Aug 2007