School lets - price changes introduced

Highland Council has reviewed prices for letting school facilities and has introduced some changes from 1 April 2018. These changes reflect increasing costs and harmonising prices with High Life Highland in line with Council policy.

While some prices are increasing there are others that will remain the same. The main points are:

  • The community rate for meeting rooms is now be an hourly rate of £10.
  • The prices for small and large halls will remain unchanged.
  • Weekend surcharges will no longer be charged for lets in normal weekend operating hours.
  • Prices for grass pitches, all weather pitches and MUGAs (multi-use games areas) will increase, but a pro rata rate for use of part pitches (e.g. 1/3 all-weather pitch) will be introduced.
  • Floodlighting and changing will be chargeable.
  • All prices for lets for sporting and recreational activities held in sporting facilities are inclusive of VAT. Exemptions from VAT can be applied for in certain limited circumstances. Further details available from

The full price list is available on the Council’s website at

School availability for lets

The Council is also looking at which schools will be available for lets. There will be some changes to which schools open for lets from August 2018. The schools affected are mainly in Inverness but also in a few schools elsewhere in Highland.  The changes mean that some groups will be asked to move their activities to neighbouring schools; however the Council has sought to minimise the number of groups affected and the distance to the nearest alternative venue. Any groups affected will be offered alternative accommodation on renewal of their let. Details of which schools will open for lets will be finalised over the next few weeks and details will be published on the Council website in due course.





4 Apr 2018