Local Scrutiny Plan considered

The annual Local Scrutiny Plan (LSP) 2018/19 for Highland Council was considered by Council today (10 May).

The plan is based on a shared risk assessment undertaken by representatives of all the scrutiny bodies who engage with the council and shows no additional scrutiny is required of the Council during 2018/19.

The shared risk assessment process draws on a range of evidence with the aim of determining any scrutiny activity required of the Council in terms of it achieving its strategic priorities and demonstrating good corporate performance. It also takes into account any scrutiny needs arising from risks identified at the national level.

The plan notes that Education provision is well organised and well led and  recognises the renewed drive for quality improvement in Education. It also highlights areas of challenge for ongoing monitoring.

Budget Leader Cllr Alister Mackinnon welcomed the report. He said: “The principles that underpin the Council’s values include that we will be fair, open and accountable. This means we will measure our performance, report on it publicly and listen to our communities, to ensure we are delivering services that provide best value for Council Taxpayers. The Local Scrutiny Plan identifies areas of challenge and improvement which require on-going monitoring. Most notably, these relate to the importance of long term financial planning and the need for transformation which is crucial in the context of increasing real term cuts to central funding of Local Authorities.”


The Local Scrutiny Plan coordinated by Audit Scotland involves six scrutiny bodies: Audit Scotland; Education Scotland; the Care Inspectorate; Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland; Her Majesty’s Fire Service Inspectorate and the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).


10 May 2018