Riverside way design project underway

Transport Consultants AECOM have been appointed by The Highland Council  to prepare design options to improve the ‘Riverside Way’ in Inverness.   The project covers the whole area between the west side of the River Ness and the A82 Trunk Road (Glenurquhart Road) and the local roads of Tomnahurich Street and Young Street, stretching from the city centre to the new West Link.  The route along the west side of the river linking the new West Link with the city centre is one of the key routes identified in the Inverness City Active Travel Network and forms part of the successful bid to the Scottish Government Community Links PLUS.  

pixThis area as a whole is well used for events throughout the year with major social, sporting and recreational events such as Race for Life, Loch Ness Marathon, and the Civic Bonfire.  Efforts are being made to prepare for a series of major events to take place in 2022 associated with the 200th anniversary of the Caledonian Canal. 

The Riverside Way Project aims to identify options for the design and management of the routes through this area that will minimise the impact of major events on the local community, enhance active travel infrastructure (walking and cycling) and access to the Bught Area, and investigate options for improving amenity and the leisure experience in this part of the city. 

Inverness West Ward Councillor, Graham Ross said: “This is a great opportunity to co-ordinate our proposals for the Riverside Way covering the management of bigger public events along with improved walking and cycling infrastructure along the riverside. This fits well with the Local Development Plan aim to maximise the economic potential of the Ness riverfront by making it more attractive, more accessible and more of a destination.  I encourage everyone in the area and across the City to participate in the planned consultations and let us know your views on the options that emerge.” 

The Riverside Way Project is to be delivered through a series of Phases with significant engagement activities to be undertaken. 

The main activities for the Project include the following;

  • Consult with Stakeholders, including Elected Members, Community Council, frontagers, and businesses in the area to identify potential options for improvements;
  • Carry out traffic surveys;
  • Carry out full community consultation on emerging options and designs;
  • Recommend a preferred design and implementation plans to support Road Traffic Regulation Orders and enhanced active travel infrastructure;
  • Prepare a full project report that will be considered by the City of Inverness and Area Committee in November 2018.


11 Jun 2018