Caithness locals urged to help Swifts

Members of the public are being invited to join Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers to build bird boxes for Swifts, at the Seadrift visitor centre, Dunnet this Saturday (8th December).

The Swift Box Day has been organised by the Council’s Rangers in the Planning and
Development Service and after the event, volunteers will be rewarded with coffee and baking at the local hotel. The build is one of the local Biodiversity Projects taking place around the county and features in the Caithness Countryside Volunteer programme of events.

Funding for the event has been obtained through the local Biodiversity Project as part of the Highland BAP Implementation Programme, financed by the European Union under the North and West Highland Leader+ 2000-2006 Programmes, Scottish Natural Heritage and The Highland Council.

Marina Swanson, Highland Council’s Caithness East Ranger said: “Results from a Highland Swift survey carried out in 2006 found that one of the factors affecting Swifts is a loss of nest sites due to refurbishment and repair of old houses. By building boxes we can help ensure that visiting Swifts will have a better chance to locate in Caithness next summer.”

The local Biodiversity Group is working on a range of other exciting projects and the Caithness Countryside Volunteers are always looking to recruit additional members.  If you wish to find out more about either of these groups or wish to book a place for the swift box build, please contact Marina Swanson on 01955 607758/01847821531 or e-mail

For further information please contact: Marina Swanson, Caithness East Ranger, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service tel: (01955) 607758.

3 Dec 2007