Highland Gallery and Museum - A vision for the future

Gailearaidh is Taigh-tasgaidh na Gàidhealtachd - Ìomhaigh dhan àm ri teachd
The search for a site for the new Highland Gallery and Museum continues with a drop in session for the public on Tuesday 11th December 2007, between 12noon and 7pm at  Inverness Museum and Art Gallery’s, Discovery Centre.

Next week will be the 4th week of an 11 week public engagement process which ends on the 11th January, 2008.

The Highland Gallery and Museum Steering Group and The Highland Council are urging people to have their say by giving their views on three city centre sites.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said, “I am particularly keen that as many people as possible with an interest in the new museum and gallery make their views known at this early stage. This is a prestigious project for the Highlands and will be a superb addition to the attractions of Inverness and it is vital that we are keen to hear from as many people as possible.”

At the drop-in session, staff involved in the project will be available to discuss the project and the sites prior to people submitting their views through the official response forms or the City partnership web-site.

There are displays and response forms at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and Eastgate Shopping Centre and there is information on the city partnership web-site:www.citypartnership.org.uk where anyone can complete the simple online survey.

The ambition to create a major new gallery in the Highlands has been around for over a decade.  More recently, a vision for a combined gallery and museum has been developed by the Highland Gallery and Museum Steering Group to create a high quality facility which would be almost three times the size of Inverness Museum and Art Gallery (IMAG) and provide a legacy to Highland 2007.
The period of public engagement continues until 11th January. Views will be taken into account before The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee decides further on the project and it’s location.

For further information please contact: Douglas Wilby; Senior Community Learning and Leisure Officer; The Highland Council,  Education, Culture and Sport Service tel: 01463 724225; 01463 663825; Mob: 07788 566188 .


3 Dec 2007