Fort William 2040

FORT WILLIAM 2040 is an ambitious vision for the future of Fort William and Lochaber.

There are a number of changes on the horizon in Fort William ranging from investment in creating an alloy wheel factory, adjacent to the smelter, relocation of the Belford hospital, and new industrial and housing development. To help plan for these changes a draft masterplan is being prepared , which we have called Fort William 2040 or FW2040, showing how the town and the wider Lochaber area could best take advantage of these developments. 

We would like you, local people, businesses and interest groups and public agencies to work together in finalising this masterplan and agreeing how and when future development can be delivered.

You are therefore invited to participate in the FW2040 consultation event, which will take place on Wednesday 12th September at the Nevis Centre in Fort William which is being jointly organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), Scottish Government and the Highland Council.  

The event will involve three workshop sessions held between 10am and 8:30pm where participants will be asked to contribute to finalising this vision for the future and agree how it will be delivered.  For example, you may wish to comment on where or when development takes place, the supporting infrastructure improvements that are needed and who might need to be involved in implementing proposals identified.  The outputs that will emerge from the day will be a finalised masterplan and illustrations of proposals discussed, and an accompanying delivery programme that will be published and monitored.

Chair of the Lochaber Area Committee, Councillor Andrew Baxter said:

“I would encourage everyone who has an interest in the future of Fort William and Lochaber to come along and have a say in the plans. FW2040 is about creating a vision for the future of this region and unlocking the vast potential that we have. This is an exciting opportunity for you to contribute.”

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said:

“It’s very positive to see this event bringing the community, industry and public bodies together to take part in a conversation about shaping the future of Fort William.  We want communities to be involved with decisions that are made in their areas. This will be an important opportunity for people to participate in local place-making and I would encourage everyone to get involved.”

The day will involve the following three sessions:

  • 10am – 12.30pm: Introduction, Outcomes and a Masterplan for the future

What sort of place do we want Fort William and the wider Lochaber area to be in the future?  What changes and improvements would best deliver these outcomes?

  • 1.15pm – 4pm: Identifying and Delivering Projects

How will the projects that have been identified be delivered and who needs to be involved?  When might they happen?

  • 7pm – 8pm: The Emerging Masterplan and Delivery Programme

Re-cap of day, presentation of emerging Masterplan and delivery programme, further chance to comment and discuss with team.

Parts of these workshop sessions will be split up under the following five themes – Transport, Housing, Energy, Tourism and Education, Skills & Talent Attraction.  Please consider which themes you might want to get involved in.  We may also ask those with particular specialist knowledge to attend particular groups.

Please feel free to share this with anyone that you think might have an interest in the future of Fort William and Lochaber.  If you do wish to attend the FW2040 event please get in touch with us at

For anyone who cannot attend or wishes to provide comments in advance we have set up a FW2040 consultation page where you can provide comments between now and until one week after the event Friday 21st September.  There is also a Facebook Event where you can also comment.


Register at to view, comment and be kept updated on any future Development Plan documents in Highland.


5 Sep 2018