Bualnaluib Primary commended for very good progress.

Following a visit to Bualnaluib Primary School, Aultbea, in September 2007, HM Inspectors of Education have reported that the school has made very good or good progress in all matters highlighted by their previous visits. 

The report states that the acting head teacher, Mrs Jean Ross, who was also continuing with her responsibilities as head teacher of Inverasdale Primary School, regularly demonstrated good teaching practice to her colleagues and had worked closely and effectively with staff, parents and pupils in improving the school. 

The report states:  “Mrs Ross had successfully engaged parents in their children’s learning and in the work of the school and staff had made significant improvements in the structure of the curriculum and in the quality of teaching. They now planned progressive experiences for pupils in a wide range of curriculum areas. They chose learning activities carefully to stimulate pupils’ interest. Pupils’ learning at the early stages had been further strengthened by appropriate opportunities for active play. As a result of improvements, teaching was more effective and pupils had better learning experiences.

Pupils responded well to practical and relevant learning activities and were making good progress.  In writing, pupils wrote regularly for an appropriate range of purposes. Their writing was effectively supported by well structured lessons, by collaboration with one another, and by well planned homework tasks. Teachers gave pupils helpful advice on their writing to enable them to make further improvements. Pupils worked confidently in groups and had planned opportunities to work collaboratively on tasks across the curriculum. Pupils now made effective use of a range of up-to-date reading material. In mathematics, teachers used assessment effectively to plan appropriate next steps in learning for pupils. Pupils applied a range of strategies to solve mathematical problems.”

The report adds that the acting head teacher had improved arrangements for monitoring the quality of learning and teaching and for tracking pupils’ progress. Pupils were effectively encouraged  to evaluate the quality of their work in English language and increasingly in mathematics Pupils’ needs were now met more effectively and attainment in key areas had improved.    Pupils with additional support needs were assisted more effectively and pupils were more aware of the progress they had made and what they needed to do to improve.

The report concludes: “The school and education authority had made good or very good progress in addressing the main points for action.  The acting head teacher had used her knowledge and skills well to improve aspects of the school’s work.”

HM Inspectors will make no further visits to the school in connection with the inspection report of December 2005.


4 Dec 2007