Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum to discuss planning issues.

Planning issues will be topic of discussion at the next Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum which takes place on the 11th December at 7pm in the Council Offices, Dingwall.

The main topic for discussion is Strategic and Local Planning and a number of council managers will be in attendance to address a wide range of issues that have been raised by the Ward Community Councils such as their own role in Planning consultation and what is set out in the Local Plan for the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward.

The Dingwall High Street environmental improvement consultation will also be on the agenda as will community safety with the Police present to give their regular update to the Forum.

Councillor David Chisholm who will be chairing the meeting said: “Planning is an issue that is of high importance across the Highlands and has been put on the agenda by the Community Councils in the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward as being important to local communities.”

However he went on to caution that the discussion would be focussing on the broader aspects of planning and that individual planning applications could not be discussed according to the Code of Conduct for Highland Councillors dealing with Planning Applications.

Although the Ward Forum is a formal meeting that is held in public, there will be a 20 minute question and answer session at the close of the meeting for the public to ask questions.

People with specific needs who wish to attend the Ward Forum should contact Liz Cowie, Ward Manager, Council Offices, Dingwall tel: (01349) 868681 in advance to advise of any requirements.  Further information on the forthcoming Ward Forum can also be found on the Highland Council website http://www.www.highland.gov.uk/ under ‘your Council Ward’.


The main topic for discussion is Strategic and Local Planning and a number of council managers will be in attendance to address a wide range of issues that have been raised by the Ward Community Councils such as their own role in Planning consultation and what is set out in the Local Plan for the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward.

The Dingwall High Street environmental improvement consultation will also be on the agenda as will community safety with the Police present to give their regular update to the Forum.

Councillor David Chisholm who will be chairing the meeting said: “Planning is an issue that is of high importance across the Highlands and has been put on the agenda by the Community Councils in the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward as being important to local communities.”

However he went on to caution that the discussion would be focussing on the broader aspects of planning and that individual planning applications could not be discussed according to the Code of Conduct for Highland Councillors dealing with Planning Applications.

Although the Ward Forum is a formal meeting that is held in public, there will be a 20 minute question and answer session at the close of the meeting for the public to ask questions.

People with specific needs who wish to attend the Ward Forum should contact Liz Cowie, Ward Manager, Council Offices, Dingwall tel: (01349) 868681 in advance to advise of any requirements.  Further information on the forthcoming Ward Forum can also be found on the Highland Council website under ‘your Council Ward’.


4 Dec 2007