Highland Council defers Slackbuie hearing.

Members of The Highland Council’s Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Planning Applications and Review Committee today (4th December 2007) agreed to defer consideration of a planning application and formal hearing by Elphinstone Land Ltd / ASDA Stores for the development of a superstore, petrol filling station, 5 small retail units and associated works on land at Slackbuie Farm, Inverness.

Members of the committee and members of the public attending were advised that the Council had this morning received the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals decision on the planning appeal by Tesco Stores Ltd for a district shopping centre at Dores Road, Inverness.

The appeal by Tesco  Stores Ltd was dismissed by the Scottish Government - thus upholding The Highland Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the Dores Road application.

The committee were advised that the Scottish Government’s decision was a material and relevant consideration for the ASDA application and that committee should await further planning and legal advice on the implications of the Dores Road decision.

Members were also advised that deferral of the ASDA application at Slackbuie Farm would allow the opportunity for all parties to consider the implications of the appeal decision.

5 Dec 2007