New Head Teacher for Portree High School

A former pupil of Portree High School has returned to the school as head teacher.

Catherine MacDonald, also a former pupil of Dunvegan Primary School, has been acting head teacher at Portree for the past month and has now had her position made permanent.

Ms MacDonald moves to the 644-pupil Portree High School from Ardnamurchan High School, where she was head teacher for the past six years. She has also taught in Ullapool, Alness and Fort William.

Ms MacDonald said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to the permanent position of head teacher at Portree High School. The past month has been thoroughly enjoyable. I have been familiarising myself with the school and getting to know the pupils and staff. I am excited about the prospect of continuing to take forward the school’s current action plan. We have a unique school and community and we need to work together to make Portree High School one of the best schools in Scotland, building on its already good reputation.

“I believe that, by working in partnership – pupils, parents, staff and the local community - we can indeed produce a curriculum for excellence where our young people feel confident in their own abilities and in their ability to be able to aim high in all aspects of their lives.”



5 Dec 2007