Results of Community Council interim elections

Six Highland community councils are able to continue operating following recent interim elections.

Nominations were invited for persons seeking election to Community Councils serving Balintore and Hilton; Conon Bridge; Dunvegan; Saltburn and Westwood; Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry;  Tain; Sunart; Staffin.

Following the close of Nominations yesterday (Wednesday 3 October) the following six have formed uncontested.

•           Balintore and Hilton Community Council (uncontested)
•           Conon Bridge Community Council (uncontested)
•           Saltburn and Westwood Community Council (uncontested)
•           Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council (uncontested)
•           Staffin Commnunity Council (uncontested)
•           Sunart Community Council (uncontested)

Tain Community Council received more nominations than their maximum membership. Over the next two days applicants can, if they wish, withdraw their nomination. If by 4pm on Friday there are still more nomination than the maximum membership then a postal ballot will be held  to decide membership.

At the second attempt Dunvegan Community Council failed to attract half the maximum membership required so will now formally be dissolved.

Full details are available of the Council’s website

The next round of interim election is scheduled for 7 March 2019 and the notices of any interim elections will be published on The Highland Council website on Tuesday, 22 January 2019.




4 Oct 2018