Update on progress of Stromeferry works

The Highland Council has published on its website an update on how works at Stromeferry are progressing and a list of questions and answers following two recent community engagement events.

Over the last week works have taken place overnight to carry out scaling of the rock face.  Scaling involves removing loose rocks, vegetation and soil which present a rock fall hazard using hand tools such as pry-bars and picks. This work has progressed well and limited rock scaling will continue on the lower slope below 8m in height during daytime operations this week. The drilling of rock anchors for the active netting system will start this week and continue into next.

Feedback from the drop-in event in Lochcarron and the presentation to the Achmore community held last Thursday evening is available on the council’s website in the form of questions and answers. This information is available from this link


The Chair of the Council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Allan Henderson said: “We would like to thank everyone who came along to the two sessions held in Achmore and Lochcarron for their feedback and suggestions. I hope the published questions and answers provide a lot of the information people are looking for but our staff are available to answer any queries so I encourage people to get in touch if they feel they have anything to raise or need any clarification.

He added: “We have worked closely with Network Rail and our contractor TRAC Engineering Ltd to keep disruption to road users to a minimum when the road/rail diversion is in place but inevitably there will be times when road users will face longer waits so we urge people to plan their travel carefully, allow extra time and avoid the periods when the diversion is not going to be available.”

“The planned completion date for the works is 23 November 2018 and regular updates on progress will be given on our website so I encourage people to visit the link on a weekly basis.”


8 Oct 2018