Funding for improving Sutherland homes

Members of the Sutherland County Committee have agreed a two year Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme that will see over £2m invested into improving council homes over the next 2 years. In addition, a further £134,000 will be spent specifically on providing aids and adaptations to assist tenants requiring extra support.

The Council is responsible for maintaining 386 residential properties across North, West and Central Sutherland and 520 in East Sutherland and Edderton. During 2019/20 £979,133 will be used to carry out upgrade works, including:  replacing kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors as well as structural work to roofs, chimneys and the external fabric of properties. Money will also be used to carry out heating and energy efficiency work in line with the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing. For the period 2020/21 the investment will rise to £1,028,045.

This is part of the wider Highland Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme which will see a total of over £29 million invested over the next two years to improve housing stock across the Highlands.

Chair of the Committee, Cllr Richard Gale said: “There is never going to be enough money to do all we want to do but by agreeing this programme of works we have a clear plan forward for the next two years.

“Priorities have been identified at a local level so I would like to thank members, local maintenance teams and tenants for their input. I am particularly pleased that funding continues to be ring-fenced for equipment and adaptations to allow disabled and elderly tenants to stay living in their homes.”

“As a committee we look forward to regular updates on how the works are progressing and the positive impact the improvements are having for tenants. Officers will also be attending our Ward Business Meetings to provide feedback as it is important we press on and get as much work completed within the allocated budget.”


15 Nov 2018