Council supports Edinburgh Salmon staff secure new jobs

Following the announcement on 28 November by Thai Union that they will close their Edinburgh Salmon plant in Dingwall at the end of the year, a multi-agency response to support the staff has commenced. Known as the PACE initiative (Partnership for Continuing Employment) The Highland Council, together with local public sector agencies provide free, impartial advice to staff on dealing with the practical and emotional sides of redundancy, including support to get a new job.

Through its Welfare Team the Council will be providing  one to one financial advice to those who opt for such support. Also, in response to a specific request from staff, the Council will be providing through its Business Gateway service, six training workshops on social media and how it can be used to secure new jobs and, advice and support to anyone interested in starting up their own business.

Council Leader Margaret Davidson said: “We are very disappointed that Thai Union as a large local employer is ceasing production and closing its Edinburgh Salmon plant in Dingwall. While we had hoped that a new owner could have been identified for the plant, our primary concern now is for the wellbeing of the staff. We are working with the company and our partners to give staff the support and advice they need as they prepare and search for new employment.”

Councillor Margaret Paterson who lives in Dingwall added: "It was with a very heavy heart that I heard this upsetting news. There is never a good time to lose such a high number of jobs as every job is important but this announcement made in the run-up to Christmas is even more distressing.

“Edinburgh Salmon is a well-established and important local employer and our thoughts go to all the workers and their families at this difficult time. However, Dingwall is still an excellent location and community for commerce. We are very much open for business and there is a skilled workforce in the town."

29 Nov 2018