Police and partners to host Festive Safe Highland roadshows

Issued by Police Scotland

The team will be joined by a range of partners during Festive Safe Highland, which starts in Inverness on Wednesday, December 5 and runs until Friday, December 21.

They will be able to offer advice regarding shopping safely, online safety, party safe , home safety, driving safely and business safety. 

Officers will also be raising awareness of mental health and suicide support that is available throughout the Highlands. 

Partner agencies taking part include local Women's Aid groups, Rape and Sexual Abuse Highland (RASASH), Adult Support and Protection, Highland Council Trading Standards, Highland Council Road Safety, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Royal Bank of Scotland Community Bankers.

Inspector Richard Ross said: "Christmas should be a positive time of the year for most but for others it can be a time of added stress and loneliness. 

"The festive season naturally sees an increase in the number of people shopping or partying across the north of Scotland and we want to make sure they do so as safely as possible.

"There are unfortunately people out there who will look to exploit shoppers, party goers and vulnerable people at this time of year.

"We all have a duty to watch out for each other and it is hoped that the awareness raising officers and partner agencies will be carrying out will help to provide support to those who may need it most."

David MacKenzie, Highland Council Trading Standards manager said: “The ‘Festive Safe Highland’ campaign in partnership with Police Scotland is an excellent opportunity to  inform members of the public to be on their guard against buying counterfeit goods in the run up to Christmas.  

"Consumers may unwittingly buy  gifts such as toys; cosmetics and perfume; designer handbags; shoes and sports clothing for friends and family only to find out later that they are fake and also potentially unsafe.  

"I would urge anyone who thinks they may have recently purchased counterfeit or fake goods to come to speak to us during this campaign or contact the Citizens Advice Helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or visit their website www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/consumer ."


30 Nov 2018