Lochaber pupils create wildlife haven with playground tree planting

Highland primary school, Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, were delighted in their successful application for 30 free trees from Woodland Trust Scotland. The school’s ECO Committee are very proud to have 30 new saplings in their playground. This is part of a mass country-wide tree planting organised by the Woodland Trust with support from Sainsbury's, IKEA FAMILY, Players of Peoples Postcode Lottery and Yorkshire Tea.
16 pupils in the ECO Committee planted 30 trees including Silver Birch, Wild Cherry and Rowan. The trees are part of the ECO Committee's plan to create a haven for wildlife as well as improve and develop the children's outside environment.
John Joe MacNeil, Head Teacher, said: "We are very proud of our ECO Committee and all the great work they are doing to provide themselves and the rest of the school community with a wonderful, healthy and interesting outdoor space. We are very grateful to the Woodland Trust Scotland as well as Rowan Doff from Nevis Landscape Partnership who are working with us to make this happen. This hands-on approach and interactive learning is a fantastic way to continue to develop the children's interest in the environment and learn about its importance. They are learning about the positive impact they can have and the difference it can make to the world around them."
Woodland Trust Scotland is sending over 55,000 trees to over 300 schools and community groups across Scotland.
Sanjay Singh, Senior Programmes Manager at People's Postcode Lottery said: "Bringing communities around the country by mass planting trees is a wonderful way to protect, enrich and enjoy the environment. I'd like to thank our players, many of whom are from the communities receiving trees. These initiatives simply would not be possible without them."

Rowan Doff of Nevis Landscape Partnership helps Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar pupils Martha Kennedy (left) and Erin Starkie, plant trees around the school. Picture Iain Ferguson, The Write Image
Sgoilearan Loch Abar a’ cruthachadh àrainn fhiadh-bheatha le bhith a’ cur chraobhan san raon-chluiche
Bha Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, ann an sgìre na Gàidhealtachd, fìor thoilichte gun robh an tagradh aca airson 30 craobh an-asgaidh bho Urras Choilltean na h-Alba soirbheachail. Tha Comataidh ECO na sgoile moiteil gu bheil 30 craobh òg a-nis san raon-chluiche aca. Tha seo mar phàirt de dh’iomairt chur-chraobhan air feadh na dùthcha a tha Urras Choilltean na h-Alba a’ cur air dòigh le taic bho Sainsbury's, IKEA FAMILY, Cluicheadairean Peoples Postcode Lottery agus Yorkshire Tea.
Chuir 16 sgoilear anns a’ Chomataidh ECO 30 craobh – Beith-dhubh, Sirist Fhiadhaich agus Caorann nam measg. Tha na craobhan nam pàirt de phlana na Comataidh ECO gus àrainn a chruthachadh do dh’fhiadh-bheatha agus àrainn nan sgoilearan fhèin air a’ bhlàr a-muigh a leasachadh cuideachd.
Thuirt Iain Iòsaph MacNèill, Ceannard na Sgoile: “Tha sinn fìor mhoiteil às a’ Chomataidh ECO againn agus an obair sgoinneil a tha iad a’ dèanamh gus raon tlachdmhor, fallain agus inntinneach a chruthachadh air a’ bhlàr a-muigh dhaibh fhèin agus do choimhearsnachd na sgoile air fad. Tha sinn fada an comain Urras Choilltean na h-Alba agus Rowan Doff bho Nevis Landscape Partnership a tha ag obair còmhla rinn gus seo a chur air adhart. Tha an dòigh-obrach ghnìomhach seo agus ionnsachadh eadar-obrachail na dhòigh air leth gus ùidh na cloinne san àrainneachd a shìor leasachadh agus cothrom a thoirt dhaibh ionnsachadh cho cudromach ’s a tha i. Tha iad ag ionnsachadh mun bhuaidh mhath a dh’fhaodas a bhith aca agus an diofar a nì sin dhan t-saoghal mun cuairt orra.”
Tha Urras Choilltean na h-Alba a’ cur còrr is 55,000 craobh gu còrr is 300 sgoil agus buidheann coimhearsnachd air feadh na h-Alba.
Thuirt Sanjay Singh, Prìomh Mhanaidsear Phrògraman aig People’s Postcode Lottery: “Tha a bhith a’ cur mòran chraobhan air feadh na dùthcha na dheagh dhòigh gus coimhearsnachdan a thoirt còmhla agus na dhòigh mhìorbhaileach gus an àrainneachd a dhìon is a neartachadh agus tlachd fhaighinn aiste. Bu toil leam taing a thoirt do na cluicheadairean againn, is mòran dhiubh às na coimhearsnachdan a tha a’ faighinn chraobhan. Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na h-iomairtean seo a dhèanamh às an aonais.”