Director of Community Services steps down after 20 years service

Director of Community Services, William Gilfillan

William Gilfillan, Director of Community Services will be leaving the Council on Friday, 7th June.

William joined Highland Council from Fife Council in 2000 to lead the New Community School development in Alness Academy.  Following the successful roll out of that initiative across Highland schools, several other roles followed.  As Customer Services Manager, he took the Service Point Network through a significant change programme and sponsored the introduction of the Council’s new Service Centre.  He was then appointed Area Manager for Nairn and Badenoch & Strathspey, establishing the first community planning partnerships in those areas. 

Following a restructure of the Council in 2007, William became one of three Corporate Managers, his role covering Inverness, Nairn and Badenoch & Strathspey.  Three years later, following a merger of these roles, he became Corporate Manager for the Council, leading on community benefit.  Following a further senior management restructure, William took on his current role as Director of Community Services in 2014.  His Directorate covers services that are very important  to the people of the Highlands – roads maintenance, housing, winter maintenance, waste management, burials and cremations, amenities, harbours, environmental health and much more. 

William has been a member of the Council’s Executive Leadership Team for the past 14 years and had this to say: “I have really enjoyed my 19 plus years with Highland Council.  When I think back it is with fondest memories of the honesty of the people living in this beautiful area and the hard work and willingness of my staff to do their very best. There have been many high points and also many challenges, especially financial.  However, it is the right time for me to move on and I wish all staff and Members the very best going forward.”

Leader of the Council, Margaret Davidson said: “William has been with the Highland Council for nearly 20 years. In all the time I have known William, he has been totally dedicated to the Council, supportive of his staff and a truly genuine and compassionate person. I know William loves the outdoors and fishing and I am sure he will enjoy spending more time with family and following the pursuits he loves. I wish him all the best.”

Chief Executive Donna Manson said, “William has contributed much to the Council and to Highland Communities during his tenure and we wish him and his family every success for the future.”

3 Jun 2019