Last chance to have your say on how Community Councils are created and governed.

The Highland Council is again encouraging members of the public to respond for the last time to its public consultation on how Community Councils are created and governed (The Community Council Scheme Review 2018 - 2019).

The Council wants to hear from Community Councils and the wider public about their views on existing proposals and the changes proposed. Views are being sought on both the proposed changes to the Scheme documentation and to specific Community Council boundaries.

The Council welcomes the feedback it has received already but invites the public to have their final say.  The first phase of consultation began in March and ran until 31 May 2019.

Changes based on the phase one feedback received were approved at a meeting of The Highland Council on 27 June 2019 and Councillors agreed for a further and final period of consultation which runs until 26 August 2019.

At a Special Highland Council meeting on 5th September, Councillors will be asked to consider and agree a new Scheme for Community Councils. This will allow for the new Scheme to be in place for the start of the election process on 23rd of September 2019. 

To view the proposed Scheme, summary of changes from the phase 1 consultation and boundary proposals use the form on the council’s website at this page

Feedback can also be provided by 26 August 2019 via:

  • email:
  • post: Chief Executive’s Office, Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX
5 Aug 2019