Victorian Market entrance restoration unveiled


Inverness Victorian Market entrance has been restored thanks to funding of £43,223

Stonework repairs to the Academy Street entrance of Inverness Victorian Market have now been completed, having commenced on 20th August 2019.

The repairs to the most decorative of the Market entrances were funded by a grant of £30,256 from the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project (ITHP) and £12,967 from the Inverness Common Good Fund.

The work forms part of ambitious plans to carry out various improvements and repairs at the Market.

photoCommenting on the completion of the works to the entrance, Jo Murray, Manager of Inverness Victorian Market, said: “The façade entrance on Academy Street is the only original part of the Market that survived following its almost complete destruction in 1889. It is therefore so important that this original feature is preserved and maintained. Now those visiting the Market will be able to see the fine stonework detail of the Corinthian column tops and the beautiful animal head designs clearly again.”

Cllr Jimmy Gray, Chairman of the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project, added: “It is important that the Market is regularly maintained and retains an attractive appearance in the heart of Inverness. The grants from Inverness Townscape Heritage Project and Inverness Common Good Fund have helped preserve the beautiful entrance and its history.

“I hope locals and visitors to the Market will appreciate it for many years to come.”

Find out more about Inverness Townscape Heritage Project here:

15 Oct 2019