Stromeferry Option Selection
The Highland Council has been carrying out an extensive appraisal process in order to identify a preferred solution to the rock fall prone A890 Stromeferry Bypass road.
The road has been subject to numerous closures because of rockfalls and also due to the regular work which is carried out to inspect and stabilise the slopes.
Rock falls have been an issue since the road opened in 1970 resulting in lengthy diversions and disruption to road users.
A Cross Party Working Group was formed at the beginning of last year to review the information contained within the route options appraisal carried out by the Council.
The aim of the group, which is made up of elected members, is to make a recommendation of a preferred option.
After reviewing the two remaining options, the group has today selected option 2 - the Glen Udalain to Attadale option.
This recommends a 14km new section of road to the south of the existing Stromeferry Bypass.
The new section of road deviates from the current A890 and follows the route of a forestry track up through Glen Udalain before descending through Glen Attadale and rejoining the current A890 at Attadale.
Following the selection of the recommendation today, the Council propose a month of consultation with the stakeholders who took part in the appraisal workshops which looked at all of the previous options.
This will provide an opportunity to comment on the recommended Option. Meetings with the local communities are planned to gather comment and opinions and information will be available on The Highland Council’s web page.
Following the close of the consultation period, a report of the recommended option and feedback from stakeholders and the local community shall be considered at the Economy and Infrastructure Committee where members will be asked to formally select the preferred option.
The funding and programme still remains an issue for the delivery of any option but the Council remains committed to the maintenance of the existing route until an alternative becomes available.