My Ness Project to progress to the next stage

The additional works required to enhance the access arrangements to the My Ness art piece and to enable the project to be completed are now fully funded. 

The Inverness City Arts Working Group (ICArts) agreed to proceed to the Construction phase of the My Ness Project at a meeting held on Monday of this week.

Following the report to Councillors at the City of Inverness Area Committee in November 2019, officers worked with Creative Scotland to close the funding gap which emerged following the changes to the original design in order to improve access requirements to the My Ness piece of art beyond the original specification which met with legal requirements.   

The next phase will involve giving close care and attention to the natural environment and an ecological assessment will be undertaken, alongside liaison with the Ness District Fisheries Board. 

The project team are also working closely with the Council’s tree officer to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to protect the local environment.  One mature tree is to be removed located adjacent to the Fisherman’s Hut and one on the opposing riverbank.  The tree that is adjacent to the Fisherman’s Hut is in a poor condition and is being removed under a general tree management plan for the area. Otherwise, site clearance work will involve the clearance of undergrowth and shrubs.

A further update was provided to the ICArts Working Group on the siting of the Rest Space art project.  Also as reported to City Committee in November, it has been agreed that the Rest Space will now be located as part of the WestLink Project and within the new parkland area currently under construction.  Consents are now all in place and installation will begin in the coming months as this part of the development progresses. The installation costs will be part of the Westlink Project budget

Chair of the Working Group, Cllr Isabelle Mackenzie said: “We are appreciative for the additional funding which allows for the My Ness art piece to go ahead and wish to thank Creative Scotland who have been fully supportive of the River Ness Art project programme throughout.  We are also hugely appreciative for all the hard work the HC project team for getting us to this final stage and look forward to seeing work start on the installation, which is for use by members of public when enjoying our beautiful Riverscape."

26 Feb 2020