Have your say in Inverness West

People living in the Inverness West ward of The Highland Council are invited to take part in two drop-in consultation events focusing on what people feel should be the main objectives for this area of the city over the next two to three years.   

The three ward Councillors – Bill Boyd, Alex Graham and Graham Ross - are hoping individuals and interested groups will come along to chat with them about their thoughts on what issues they feel are the most important and to check if their ideas on priorities are supported or if there are other options which the community would like to see them progress. 

This is an annual event and in previous years really good feedback has been received from communities.  In addition to this event, separate consultations have also been held with Community Councils, Parent Councils and with the pupils from Charleston Academy and Inverness High School.  Feedback from last year’s events will be provided and members of the community will be able to see what progress has been made on a range of priorities.  

Speaking on behalf of the Ward Members, Councillor Alex Graham said:

“This event is one that Bill, Graham and I look forward to each year. It allows local residents to engage with their councillors, telling us about their issues and concerns, and suggesting how problems can be tackled.  We look forward to sharing the progress made in Inverness West and to hearing of any fresh priorities for the ward.  I would encourage as many people as possible to take up this chance to get involved and come along to either of the sessions.”

Both drop-in sessions will take place on Thursday 26th March.

The first is from 1pm to 3pm at Charleston Community Complex and the next is from 6pm -8pm in the Bught Stop, Torvean Avenue. 

Anyone interested is warmly welcomed to come along.


10 Mar 2020