Improvement plan approved following Best Value Assurance Report 2020

Members of The Highland Council have approved an improvement plan to address the findings of a national audit report which has highlighted the Highland Council’s clear strategic vision and increased pace of change required to ensure long term financial sustainability, accountability and ambition.

The Best Value audit of the Council was carried out during 2019 and examined the period since 2010. Councils have a statutory duty to deliver Best Value by demonstrating continuous improvement, the depth and pace of which is key to the Council’s capacity to meet its priorities.

Members noted the improvement actions already in place and being implemented to address historic issues identified in the report under the challenging financial environment the Council has operated within for the past decade.  

The seven-point improvement plan approved today highlights the council’s proposed improvement actions over the next three years 2020-2023.

Highland Council Leader, Cllr Margaret Davidson said:

“I would like to thank all those who contributed to the Best Value Assurance Report and formulation of the improvement plan which has been a very useful exercise. The report has provided reassurance that the plans by the Council’s Administration and Leadership are progressing positively.

“It is pleasing that our vision for the Council’s future has been commended, and we recognise that we need to refresh the plans for that vision. We accept that change is required, and we acknowledge the challenge of making that change within a backdrop of austerity over the past 10 years.

“We now need to look forward and make sure that we are delivering our vision with the support of Council staff and local communities who are more engaged in council-service delivery than they have been ever.  I welcome the cross-party support we have among Councillors in delivering the Council’s vision.”

12 Mar 2020