Council Leader praises and thanks staff
On behalf of her fellow councillors and herself, The Leader of The Highland Council has expressed heartfelt thanks to Council staff dealing with the COVID-19 emergency response.
Staff from across all council services have volunteered for new roles that include delivering food and essentials, processing business grants and welfare applications, taking calls to the Council’s dedicated helplines and contacting the most vulnerable members of our community. Many are also volunteering in their own time to give local support in the communities where they live.
Cllr Margaret Davidson said: “As we respond to COVID-19 it is so heartening to see the dedication and ingenuity of our staff. Many are delivering frontline services in difficult circumstances, excelling in completely new roles. This is a challenging time for all of us and I can’t thank all our staff enough.
“Since our helpline opened on the 25th March we have handled nearly 4500 calls and I am proud of the Council and Eden Court staff who have volunteered to operate the helpline each day who number over 50 strong.
“The helpline is providing support and information on a wide range of urgent issues during the COVID situation including support for businesses, education, helping key workers and those needing help with welfare benefits or free school meals vouchers, most of all it is there to support the most vulnerable in our communities.
The Leader particularly singled out the swift actions taken. She said “I am really pleased with the speed at which we have refocused our efforts. The amount of work being undertaken day in, day out is immense. Our staff are doing an incredible job in very difficult circumstances. They are working tirelessly through complex and challenging situations. In doing so they have created new ways of working and gone above and beyond to ensure our vital services keep running and that residents and businesses receive the help and support they need.
“Every bin emptied, every emergency payment processed, every food parcel delivered makes a real difference and this level of work going on every day is inspiring.
“I am extremely proud of the resilience and dedication of our workforce.”