Highland Council promotes free online information sessions for EU Citizens

posterThe Highland Council is encouraging EU citizens and their families to take up the opportunity to join in a series of free on-line information sessions, organised by the Citizens’ Rights Project,  which works with EU citizens across Scotland. The sessions will particularly focus on EU Settlement Scheme Applications. 

The national lockdown has prevented Citizens’ Rights Project from traveling around Scotland providing their free sessions. Many EU citizens and their families however still require information and support with their EU Settlement Scheme applications. In response to their needs, Citizens’ Rights Project has launched an online information and support service. 

The Highland Council’s European Spokesman Councillor Jimmy Gray said: “If you are an EU citizen or a non-EU family member of an EU citizen, the EU Settlement Scheme allows you and your family members to get the immigration status you will need to continue to live, work and study in the UK. I would encourage those of you within Highland region, who have not already applied to the EU Settlement Scheme, to do so and to take advantage of these live information sessions or the multilingual online 1-2-1 service for people that require assistance with their EUSS application.”

He added: “We want to help people as much as possible and I’m sure anyone taking part will find the sessions very useful.”

The support includes live Facebook information sessions on their page in the form of presentation followed by Q&As. The regular information sessions are provided in several languages. The first will take place today between 17.30 and 19.00 and will be in Polish. https://www.facebook.com/events/717662162331756/ 

Details of the next upcoming sessions are:

There is also the opportunity to take part in a multilingual online 1-2-1 service for people that require assistance with their EUSS application. Anyone who would like to speak confidentially with an EUSS advisers can contact info@citizensrightsproject.org.


13 May 2020