Regional music groups wear Highland 2007 tartan

Musicians in Highland regional music groups are adopting the official Highland 2007 tartan in the dress code for all their performances.

Highland Regional Youth Orchestra (HRYO), Highland Schools Wind Band (HSWB) and Highland Youth String Orchestra (HYSO) musicians will all wear ties made from “The Golden Broom” tartan.  Adopted as the official tartan of Highland 2007, The Golden Broom was designed by pupils of Mulbuie Primary School. The school has agreed that the tartan can also be used for all the Regional Music Groups, which will ensure that it remains in the public eye well beyond 2007.

Mulbuie Primary School is a small rural school on the Black Isle, with a roll of 60 children. There is a compliment of six full time staff including a teaching Head Teacher, and two class teachers.

The project was introduced as Enterprise in Education for Primary 6 and 7. The aim of the project was to design a tartan, specific to the Mulbuie area, research the possibility of having it manufactured, and then, marketing it as a product.  From this an Enterprise committee was formed, a logo designed, and the Golden Broom Tartan Team was formed.

Highland Council’s Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton said: “All five of Highland’s Regional Music groups have now given their first performance of this session to sell-out audiences.  Most recently, Highland Youth Big Band and ‘snas (ceilidh band) played to most appreciative crowds in the Eastgate Centre, Inverness. HSWB and  HYSO were given a most appreciative welcome in Invergordon Academy for their joint concert at which both groups performed to an exceptionally high standard. HRYO were the first of the groups to tune up this session and performed an accomplished programme of orchestral works in Strathpeffer’s Spa Pavilion in early November. 

“All the Regional Groups have stopped rehearsals until the New Year when they will begin preparations for their spring concert series. HRYO will perform with BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in a world premiere of a new work – ‘Fling’ for double orchestra.  This project has been funded by Highland 2007 and the BBC and will be a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity for our young musicians to perform as part of a professional symphony orchestra.”

For further information please contact: Norman Bolton, Music Development Officer, The Highland Council, Education Offices, Castle Street, Dingwall  IV15 9HU tel: 
01349 863441 e-mail:

10 Jan 2007