Council awarded grant for three Dingwall woodlands

Highland Council has been awarded £77,000 funding through the Forestry Commission’s Woodland In and Around Town (WIAT) Challenge Fund.

Grant funding will be spent on management operations in three woodland areas in Dingwall.  The works will improve the wildlife habitats, footpaths and maintain tree cover for future generations.

The three woodlands set to benefit from these projects are Maggie’s Wood near Dochcarty, Eastend Wood near Tulloch Castle and Riverside Wood close to Old River Road.

Local Highland Councillor Michael Macmillan said: “This is a splendid late Christmas present. I am sure the residents in Tulloch and Dochcarty will be pleased to see that the asset they share, in the shape of Maggie’s Wood, is to receive much needed attention. As will those who want to see something positive happening at Riverside Field. This is a thoughtful and worthwhile use of public funds. Hopefully we will be able to find local contractors to start work in the Spring. £77,000 will go a long way to revitalising these two areas not to mention the Eastend Wood where the trees are renowned. I am delighted and I do thank those who put time and effort into the bid.”

The first phase of work due to begin in February at Maggie’s Wood and shall focus on tree surgery work alongside footpaths as well as the removal of rhododendron and small scale tree planting.  The second phase of the project is for footpath upgrades and extensions to link with the existing ‘Round Dingwall Walks’.

Subsequent works also include small scale thinning, management of veteran trees and development of a native under storey as well as younger of trees.

There was strong support for community group during the application process and an important part of the funding package is earmarked for work with school and community groups and will include training in wildlife identification – a timetable of events will follow in the next few months and aim to link in with the Forestry Commission’s Touchwood Festival planned for the Dingwall in early June.

These community focussed events will also help to inform a longer term woodland management plan, which should guide work in these woodlands for the future generations.

If you would like to know more about these projects please do not hesitate to contact Robert Patton, Planning & Development (01463) 702285 or


11 Jan 2007