Inverness school students in artistic charity drive to raise funds for vandalised cancer care centre


Big hearted pupils at an Inverness high school have come up with a heart-warming plan which aims to paint a brighter future for Maggie’s Highland, the city’s cancer respite centre which was vandalised recently.

Senior pupils from Millburn Academy are planning to raise money for the centre by setting up a website to sell the artwork they had done but didn’t go to the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) last time out due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A GoFundMe page has already been set up in the community to raise money for Maggie’s, but everyone at Millburn were so saddened by the recent damage caused to the centre that they wanted to do what they could to help.

The staff and students have created a website called Millburn Academy Open Studio’s with 26 pieces of artwork available for a donation to Maggie’s.

Millburn Academy Head Teacher, Johnny Croall, said: “The process to view, order and donate for the prints is really straight forward and we hope this we can contribute in a small way to such an amazing local charity at this difficult time.”

2 Sep 2020