Kinlochleven 3-18 School Campus - Head Teacher appointed
Jemma Playfair has been appointed by The Highland Council as Head Teacher for the Kinlochleven 3-18 School Campus which is made up of Kinlochleven High School and Kinlochleven Primary School.
Councillor John Finlayson, Chair of Highland Council's Education Committee said: "I am delighted to welcome Jemma Playfair to Highland Council as Head Teacher of the Kinlochleven 3-18 School Campus and I am sure staff, pupils, parents and the wider community are also delighted to see the post filled and are looking forward to the stability this appointment will bring. This is good news for the Kinlochleven community and for Highland and I wish Ms. Playfair well in her new post and I look forward to meeting with her when she starts in Kinlochleven in the near future."
Ms. Playfair currently works at Oban High School as a Depute Head Teacher and has additional responsibilities supporting their partner 3-18 School in Tiree.
She was previously a Principal Teacher of Guidance at Elgin High School in Moray and Inverkeithing High School in Fife.
Her first Degree was in Product Design at Edinburgh Napier University, then she completed the PGDE(S) at Strathclyde University. Jemma is a qualified Design and Technology Teacher and still enjoys being in the classroom teaching her subject. She recently completed the ‘Into Headship’ Qualification with the University of the Highlands and Islands and Education Scotland focusing on 'Pupil Voice' and how this can be used to support school improvements and self-evaluation.
Ms. Playfair said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as Head Teacher of Kinlochleven 3-18 Campus and I look forward to meeting the staff and pupils in the next few weeks. I feel lucky to be joining such a supportive school community and look forward to getting to know the parents, carers and school partners when I join them all."