Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh housing investment welcomed
Members of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee have welcomed £551,000 of capital investment which will be used to carry out improvements to the existing housing stock across the area with some of the money ring-fenced to fund aids and adaptations for disabled tenants.
A key feature of developing the programme for 2021-22 in the ward has been identifying priorities through discussion with Members, local maintenance teams and tenants.
The Chair of the Committee, Cllr Ian Cockburn said: “I am pleased that priorities have been identified at a local level with input from tenants themselves as well as us elected members. This will allow us to target our resources to where they are most needed to make improvements to our existing local housing stock, including putting in measures to improve heating and energy efficiency which is welcomed.”
A specific priority of the programme is improving heating and make homes more energy efficient, with over £216,600 of budget approved to replace the oldest and most inefficient heating systems with a further £50,000 for one-off heating replacements. These works will assist towards achieving the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH).
In addition, the programme includes an allowance for kitchen replacements, bathrooms replacements, structural work to roofs, chimneys and the external fabric of properties, allowance for environmental works, regeneration works and continued funding of equipment and adaptations to assist tenants requiring extra support.
Members will continue to be updated on progress against both the current year programme and the 2021-2022 programme through ward business meeting updates and further reports to their Committee.