Former Council flats used for fire and rescue training

A joint initiative, between Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service and The Highland Council, that could help save Highland lives, has resulted in a block of condemned flats in Invergordon being used for fire and rescue training exercises prior to their demolition.

Flats at Joss Street Invergordon, which are planned for demolition due to contaminated land, are to be used by Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service in a unique training exercise on Monday 16th July.

Highland Councillor for Cromarty Firth Maxine Smith said: “This is an excellent example of mutual support and joint working. I have been delighted to assist the Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service in gaining access to the flats at Joss Street for what will be an invaluable training exercise for them.”

Members of the public are being advised by the Council that they should not be alarmed to see fire and rescue staff and appliances in attendance at Joss Street as it will be part of the scheduled training exercise. The training exercise will take place in the evening around 7.30pm.

Watch Manager, Dennis MacFadden of Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service said: “This is a local training idea for the crews at Invergordon to practice our breathing apparatus procedures in a semi realistic situation which we don't often get an opportunity to do. The training will involve simulated smoke pumped into the flats so that we can train with breathing apparatus.”

Following a substantial land contamination investigation and assessment, members of the Council’s TEC Services Committee agreed on Thursday 17th November, 2005 that the Council would demolish the homes of 34 residents at 25 -71 Joss Street in Invergordon and carry out full remediation of the site which was a former gasworks.

As part of the demolition programme preliminary works around the flats have included disconnection of electricity, water and gas services and the flats have been assessed as suitable for the temporary training opportunities of the fire and rescue service.

For further information please contact: Watch Manager, Dennis MacFadden, Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service tel: 01349 853160.

2 Jul 2007