Children and Adult Service Leads Praise the Work of the Third Sector

The Chairs of the Council’s Education and Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Committees have praised the ongoing work of third sector organisations to support children and families throughout the pandemic crisis.  

Cllrs Linda Munro and John Finlayson have today (11 November 2020) highlighted the crucial work third sector organisation and volunteers have been providing over the last few months.  This includes supporting vulnerable families, working with care experienced young people, providing support through youth networks, providing ongoing support to young carers and the provision of early learning and childcare services for early years children and families.   There is also recognition of the significant work groups have been undertaking to support social care services for adults across Highland communities and the difference this has been to many individuals who would otherwise have been on their own through the pandemic. 

Cllr Linda Munro said: “The work the third sector has done throughout the last few months has surpassed all of our expectations.  The dedication of organisations and their volunteers has had a fundamental impact on some of our most vulnerable individuals across Highland and I cannot underestimate the difference their input has made.  I want to take this opportunity to commend all their efforts.” 

Cllr John Finlayson said: “This has been an extremely difficult period for many people, including our young people across Highland.  Many of the groups that we work with have not only continued the support they normally provide to people but have been supporting new individuals impacted by the current crisis.  Their efforts have been outstanding and again shows the importance of partnership working across our Highland communities.” 


11 Nov 2020