Strong performance within Highland Council’s Resources and Finance Service is praised by Members of the Corporate Resources Committee

Members of The Highland Council’s Corporate Resources Committee, which took place on Wednesday, were presented with a report on Revenue and Performance monitoring for Q2 of 2020/21, up to 30 September 2020.

In addition to providing Members with detail of the activities being undertaken within the Service, the report also illustrated a number of statutory performance indicators, including:  the rate of Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates collection for the current financial year; speed of processing for Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit, and evidence of the organisation’s efficiency in paying invoices promptly.

Council Tax makes up around 21% of the Council’s revenue budget and therefore helps to fund the broad range of services provided by the Council.  Despite the difficult financial challenges brought about by the pandemic this year, 53.2% of the total council tax that is due for this financial year had been collected by the end of September, which is marginally lower when compared with the same time last year (54.4%).  For those who may be facing difficulty in maintaining their Council Tax payments, the Highland Council is keen to highlight that there are various forms of financial support available.  

Meanwhile, speed of processing for new claims to Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit saw a significant improvement and is now reporting 8.3 days for Q2 of 2020/21.  Similarly, the administration and processing time for those reporting a change in their circumstances for Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit purposes is now just 2 days.  These high performing processing times are of important benefit for customers and ensure that the right benefit is paid, to the right people, at the right time.

A further highlight within the report which received praise were the indicators showing the percentage of invoices which were paid within 10 days of receipt (80.4%), along with the statutory indicator for payment of invoices paid within 30 days (96.1%).  The Council introduced the 10-day local measure several years ago in recognition of the positive impact this would have for the cash-flow of businesses, sole traders and other creditors.

Overall, Members praised the positive indicators and trends shown within the report and highlighted the “commendable” work which has, and continues, to be undertaken within the Service.  Budget Leader and Chairman of the Corporate Resources Committee, Cllr Alister Mackinnon, further reinforced this by describing the efforts of council officers as a, “shining example of team work”.

He continued:  “The statistics and indicators presented in the report today, despite the difficult circumstances which still remain, are very encouraging and I would like to express my thanks to all involved in maintaining this strong performance, for the benefit of local people and businesses.

“Monies paid out from our £20m welfare budget to individual households is usually spent locally and therefore is also helping our local businesses in these exceptionally difficult times. I have every confidence that our team will reach out and support households to claim the significant support that is available for them.”

Council Leader, Cllr Margaret Davidson, added:  “I am heartened to see such positive figures and performance from within the Service being reported and highlighted.  The work undertaken and payments made by these teams can be a lifeline for some individuals within Highland, especially as many attempt to recover from the devastating financial impact of COVID-19.  The Council offers a number of sources of financial support which I hope will ease the burden and strain that some individuals may be experiencing as a result of loss of employment and financial worries.  I strongly encourage local people, on low incomes, to apply for these entitlements. If in doubt, the Council’s Welfare Support Team has a wealth of knowledge in this area and can assist individuals free of charge with eligibility and the application process for benefits, grants and other financial schemes.”


13 Nov 2020