Council Gaelic Plan Unveiled

Gaelic version of press release (pdf)

The Highland Council's new Gaelic Committee is holding a special meeting next week to agree a Gaelic Language Plan, which sets out the Council's commitment to Gaelic over the next four years. The meeting will be held at Council Headquarters, Inverness, on Thursday 12 July.

Once it is agreed, the Council will engage in a public consultation on the plan, including four public meetings at Fort William, Portree, Inverness and Sutherland. The consultation process will end on Friday 31st August, 2007.

The Council is required by the Gaelic Language Act 2005 to produce a Gaelic Language Plan and the deadline for presenting the document to Bord na Gaidhlig is 1 October.

The Plan is based on the principle of equal respect for Gaelic and English. Its main premise is that the Gaelic language is an integral part of Highland life.  Its aim is to "normalise" the position of the language, in the sense that the Gaelic dimension is a factor in the planning and implementation of all Council initiatives.

Gaelic Committee Chairman Councillor Hamish Fraser said: "The Plan sets out a four-year development programme and proposals for a support structure to sustain these developments. Supported by a Gaelic Development Team, the Gaelic Committee will focus the Council's  political commitment to Gaelic and oversee policy and planning for Gaelic. Our aim is to enable members of the public to access Council services through Gaelic, in line with relevant Council policies.

"This will involve raising awareness of Gaelic to create a positive climate of opinion for Gaelic development. We want to provide a range of opportunities for young people to acquire Gaelic in its schools and learning centres by playing a leading role in the development of Gaelic medium pre-school education and child care; responding positively to parental demand for Gaelic medium primary education and expand Gaelic medium provision in secondary schools. We want to encourage Gaelic to be spoken in the home; we want to provide a comprehensive and co-ordinated system of adult tuition in Gaelic, which will enable adult learners to develop their Gaelic."

Councillor Fraser said the public would be given an opportunity to respond to the draft plan. From the week beginning 14th July, a pro-forma for responses would be published on the Council's web site and copies would be available in Service Points and Libraries.

The public meetings are as follows, commencing at 7.15pm each evening:
• 14th August - Town House, Inverness
• 16th August - Tigh na Sgire, Portree  
• 21st August - Council Chamber, Fort William
• 23rd August - Village Hall, Bonar Bridge



6 Jul 2007