Highland Council Rent Consultation for 2021/2022

have your say

The Highland Council has started to consult with their tenants about proposals for a rent increase in council owned homes for 2021 – 2022.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the traditional forms of consultation cannot safely take place. This is our first ‘fully digital’ rent consultation so we have made some changes to how we’ll gather your views and it’s now easier for you to have a say.

Further information on our proposals is available on the Highland Council web site.

David Goldie, Head of Housing, will be hosting online webinars to explain the rent setting process in Highland Council and will be available afterwards to answer questions.

have your say


If you are a Highland Council tenant and would like to attend one of these online sessions, please email tenant.participation@highland.gov.uk or call to book a place:

  • Rent Consultation Webinar Monday 14th December 2020 10:30am
  • Rent Consultation Webinar Monday 14th December 2020 2:30pm
  • Rent Consultation Webinar Monday 14th December 2020 6:30pm

You can respond to the consultation in any of the following ways:

  • By Text: Option 1 or Option 2 to . This number will close at the end of the consultation.
  • Online: by following the Survey Monkey Link
  • By email 

If you are unable to respond using any of these options, please call  between 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday and ask to speak to someone about the Rent Consultation.

Councillor Ben Thompson, Chair of the Housing and Property Committee said: “The Council is required to consult on Council house rent proposals. The consultation this year takes a different form in order to make sure every tenant can comment, while doing so safely.

"This year there have been exceptional costs due to the impact of the pandemic. The proposed rent changes reflect that as well as the need to fund significant ongoing investment and upgrades to 14,000 Council houses.

"Responses to the consultation have a direct impact on the Council's rent setting process. I'd encourage everyone to get involved and have their say whether by phone, text or email.”

Link to the Rent Consultation Document 2021/22

4 Dec 2020